
WRITER, Probably Jude, the brother of James. If this is true he may have been a brother of our Lord. # Mr 6:3 Gal 1:19

The Lord’s brothers did not believe in him at first, # Joh 7:5; but after his resurrection they became his followers. # Ac 1:14

It is possible that Jude, because of his early unbelief, felt that he was not worthy to sign himself as brother of Jesus, so in writing the epistle he called himself a servant   Jude 1

MAIN PURPOSE. The epistle was evidently written especially to warn the church against immoral teachers and alarming heresies which were endangering the faith of believers.
# Jude 3,4

(1) The salutation # Jude 1,2

(2) The occasion of the epistle and an exhortation concerning the defense of the faith, because of the invasion of immoral and heretical teachers  # Jude 3,4
(3) Warnings from God’s dealings with sinners in the past.
(a) The punishment of Israel for unbelief # Jude 5
(b) The fate of the fallen angels and the corrupt Sodomites # Jude 6,7

(4) The characteristics of the depraved teachers described, and a woe pronounced upon them
# Jude 8-13

(5) References to prophecies.
(a) Of Enoch, who foretold the doom of ungodly men # Jude 14-16
(b) Of the apostles, concerning mockers in the last days # Jude 17-19

(6) A summary of Christian duties:
(a) Mutual edification and prayerfulness # Jude 20
(b) Love toward God and trust in Christ for eternal salvation # Jude 21
(c) Activity in soul-winning # Jude 22,23

(7) The benediction # Jude 24,25